Improve Your Workout with Water


Whether you're a hard-hitter in the gym, or simply enjoy cardio workouts in the comfort of your own home, you're taking that extra step to enhance your lifestyle and promote a healthier you. But sometimes it's easy to get worn down and feel drained. It's these times that can really put a damper in your healthy living plan. While there are several things you could do to sustain your energy to keep going, there's a simpler, cheaper solution right at your fingertips: water. Water is an essential part of maintaining a healthy lifestyle with many benefits to help you keep going. So, this week, Lindyspring Systems is sharing with you several ways that water can help benefit your workout, and help sustain your energy to keep you going strong. Check it out: 

Helps with Energy & Focus

Dehydration can impair your mental focus and drain your energy, which are two things you'll definitely need for a great workout. Since water aids in the hydration of your brain cells, when you're dehydrated it may be hard to think clearly or maintain focus and motor skills. Drinking water can help you feel refreshed, alert and improve your state of mind.

Helps to Fight Fatigue

Water is essential for any workout. During exercising you secrete water through sweat, leaving your body susceptible to dehydration. When exercising for extended periods of time, it's important to maintain fluid balance to prevent post-exercise fatigue and exhaustion.

Protects Joints and Cartilage

Staying properly hydrated is important to our body for many reasons. For athletes, it's especially important to keep the cartilage around your joints hydrated, which helps to lubricate them. It also protects the spinal cord and tissues. Since cartilage is about 85 percent water, it's important to keep this protective material healthy and hydrated for ample functionality and fewer injuries.

Aids in Weight Loss

If you're trying to lose weight, drinking water should be at the top of your to-do list. Studies have shown that when you drink water before meals, weight is lost faster than when you do not. By drinking water before meals, you tend to eat less because you feel fuller. Water also aids in boosting metabolism, which helps your body burn and regulate fat. And often times, when you feel hungry, that's actually your body telling you that you're thirsty. So, next time you feel like you're hungry, try drinking a glass of water before eating.

So before you head to the gym or hit the road running, grab your water bottle and fill it up with refreshing, purified drinking water from your Lindysprings water conditioning system. By staying hydrated, you'll have more energy to keep going, be able to stay focused on your goal, and more easily maintain a healthy lifestyle. If you don't have a water treatment system, we can help. Give us a call today at 573-348-5044 to discuss your Lake of the Ozarks water treatment needs!
Remember: Better Water = Better Living!

For All Your Household Water Conditioning and Treatment Needs Count on LINDYSPRING!


Lindyspring of Lake of the Ozarks

1063 Industrial Drive
Osage Beach, MO 65065

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