Save Household Money with a Water Softener


Holy cow... didn't you just buy that jug of detergent? And where did all the shampoo and conditioner go so quickly? Unfortunately, this is a commonly occurring problem, and it's likely because you have hard water. But just because it's a common problem, doesn't mean you should just admit defeat and throw your money away buying more and more detergents and cleaning supplies each month. By getting a Lindyspring water treatment system, you could be saving yourself a lot of hassle and a lot of money. Take a look at some of the ways a water softener at the Lake of the Ozarks can benefit your home.

Less Soap and Detergent Required

Certain minerals in the hard water reacts with soaps or detergents, preventing it from interacting with soils, stains and dirty dishes. Softened water reduces the need for detergent by more than 50 percent because it doesn't contain the minerals that reacts with the cleaning products. Studies have even shown that with soft water, using cold water to clean works better than using hot hard water.

Appliances Last Longer

The minerals that make up hard water are also what makes up scale buildup and mineral deposits in your plumbing and appliances. Scale from hard water can clog plumbing, and it damages your water-consuming appliances, wearing them down over time. They become less and less effective until eventually they break down. With softened water, washing machines could run with a water temperature of 60 degrees instead of 100 degrees and still remove tough stains. Appliances like dishwashers and washing machines are much more likely to retain the original factory efficiency rating for an extended time with softened water.

Hair and Skin is More Hydrated

Winter is already tough enough on our skin and hair due to the drier conditions. Hard water just adds insult to injury. The reason? Hard water and soap are not compatible. The soap reacts with the minerals in hard water, creating soap curd, leaving sticky residue on your skin and your pores clogged. Soft water can prevent clogged pores and allow soap to lather better on your skin. The minerals in hard water cause your hair cuticles to stand up, which can make your hair feel rough and dry and can strip your hair's natural oils which keep your hair naturally soft and shiny.

Now that you know just a few of the ways having a water softener at the Lake of the Ozarks can help you save money and preserve your home appliances, it's time to make a call. Contact Lindyspring Systems, the best water treatment company at the Lake of the Ozarks, to get your water source tested. Not only can we test your water, but we can also recommend the best water treatment system to match your specific water needs. Give us a call at 573-348-5044!

For All Your Household Water Conditioning and Treatment Needs Count on LINDYSPRING!


Lindyspring of Lake of the Ozarks

1063 Industrial Drive
Osage Beach, MO 65065

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