What's the Difference in Water Filtration and Purification?


Your family and your employees are your first priority when it comes to safety concerns. You install smoke detectors to warn you of a fire. You take precautions to implement a safety plan in the event of a catastrophe. But, do you think about the water your family or staff is consuming on your watch? To create safe drinking water in a Lake of the Ozarks home or business requires just the right set of conditions to be brought together in just the right way. Creating safe drinking water for your family and employees begins with understanding the difference between a water filter and a water purifier. Lindyspring Systems Lake of the Ozarks shares with you today the difference between the two to better educate you on safe drinking water solutions at the Lake of the Ozarks.

What is a Water Filter?

A water filter is a porous substance such as activated carbon which removes sediment and unwanted substances such as harmful chemicals and toxins from our water. Although filters are valuable, they are generally inadequate for turning municipal or well water into healthy drinking water by themselves. A filter improves taste and odor and aids to remove impurities from your drinking water, but does not treat viruses in any way. While they do help to make water appear to be clean, they cannot be relied on as a sole means to ensure safe drinking water for your family and employees. Our Lindyspring Impression RC System is perfect for those who are looking for an effective treatment system for municipal water.

What is a Water Purifier?

A water purifier is defined as a system that removes 90-95% of all contaminants in water. One of the best purifying systems Lindyspring Systems offers is our Reverse-Osmosis Drinking Water System. Similar to water filtration, the process of water purification works to remove impurities from water. However, the impurities focused on in the purification process are those that relate to the overall safety of the water: biological contaminants, viruses, chemicals, and other materials. Water purification works as a chemical process usually using either iodine or chlorine.

To quickly recap, filters are good at removing small sediments and impurities but are not designed to do the heavy lifting that purifiers do. Only the right combination of filters and purifiers can create truly safe drinking water for Lake of the Ozarks homes and businesses. Simply understanding the differences between a water filtration system and a water purification system will help you go a long way in providing safe and healthy drinking water for your family and employees. For all of your Lake of the Ozarks water treatment needs, count on Lindyspring Systems to take care of you.

For All Your Household Water Conditioning and Treatment Needs Count on LINDYSPRING!


Lindyspring of Lake of the Ozarks

1063 Industrial Drive
Osage Beach, MO 65065

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